
In Secured, Alexis Taylor transforms the mundane into the extraordinary, creating a poignant dialogue about art consumerism and the fragility of the art market. By repurposing plastic bags—often considered disposable and overlooked—Taylor presents a striking metaphor for the ways in which art is consumed, valued, and commodified.

Each plastic bag in the exhibition is adorned with delicate images of orchids and captivating photographs of horses. The orchids, symbols of beauty, rarity, and fragility, echo the vulnerability within the art world, while the horses evoke power, grace, and endurance. These striking visual elements reflect Taylor’s ability to shed light on the tension between the fleeting and the eternal in both art and nature.

Through these intricately decorated everyday items, Taylor reminds us of the importance of resourcefulness and the beauty that can emerge from the often discarded or forgotten. Secured invites the viewer to reconsider the value of what is easily overlooked, transforming afterthoughts into powerful symbols of resilience and artistic expression.